Sunday, August 11, 2013

I have been told many times by several people that I should start a blog. I was, after all, an English major. I am not sure how all of this works but I'll give anything a shot once, ok... maybe twice.

About me I am:

A Native Texan and damn proud of it. 
Wife- married 20 years to a wonderful, patient man of Cuban/Spanish descent
Mother- 2 boys ages 18 and 16. I will refer to them from this point on as H1 & H2 to protect their privacy(not really, but to protect their precious reputations!)
Montessori Preschool Teacher
Not really politically affiliated, but let's just say the way I tend to lean is not too popular in Texas
U2 obsessed
Dog Lover
Avid Gardener
Paranormally Interested
Amateur Photographer
Thrift Store Junkie
True Crime Curious (don't be spooked but I have a fascination with serial killers. I probably should have been a criminal profiler. Hubby says he doesn't know how I sleep after some of the things I read and watch.)
Possibly a Hoarder (not really, but when you have been teaching for 20+ years you tend to accumulate tons of classroom materials. Even worse, if you are a Montessori teacher you believe you can make materials out of anything you stumble across, God forbid I see an empty toilet paper roll thrown away. Hey, one man's trash is another man's treasure. Speaking of which I am also a.........
Recovering Dumpster Diver 

I am sure there are many more adjectives to describe myself, but ever since Al Gore invented the internet, once it's out there- It's out there FOREEEEEEVER. (typed in my Sandlot voice.) So we will just have to get to know each other, if we don't already, as we go along. But since my mom doesn't have internet, own a computer or even a cell phone, I am not sure anyone else will read this! Now I am off to attempt another first, creating my first "Pin" on Pinterest of a project that, if you're like me, you will pin but never get around to doing.

til next time,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great post - and now you know someone other than your mother has read this! :)
